Monday, February 16, 2009

LL5 - Reflecting on Lesson Plan 1

  1. I really liked the fact that my lesson plan involved a few different technological parts. There was the concept map, which I actually really enjoyed putting together, research on the computer, the actual simulation, and the data input. I did not like that I tried to put all of the parts in one lesson, and think in reality I would split it up so students were learning about earthquakes for at least a few days before they began this lesson.
  2. The lesson was active because it forced students to use technology to put together not only a report but also a spreadsheet of their data. It was authentic because the simulation they used demonstrated a real-world problem. They actually influenced the outcome of the earthquakes by their own actions and decisions.
  3. I would split this into more than one lesson, or at least take out the research aspect I think. It is too much for one lesson.
  4. A little risky. I'm sure most students would never have used a simulation such as this one before, and it would be a great new experience for them. While data input and papers are not risky at all, the concept map is a pretty new idea as well.
  5. My lesson plan was biased in that I have always considered earthquakes so interesting. Because of this, I probably spent a lot more time on the subject than I would others, just because it is interesting to me. Granted, I find most students are interested in the destruction they cause, but I would need to make sure this subject is balanced with other plate tectonics and earth sciences.

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