Tuesday, February 3, 2009

LL4 - Lesson Plans

Effects of Earthquakes on Buildings
  • http://www.microsoft.com/education/earthquakes.mspx
  • Subject area: Earth sciences
  • Grade level: 7-12
  • Students will learn hands-on the effects of earthquakes on buildings. They will talk about architectural plans and then model the earthquakes on a program. This lesson will focus on simulating earthquakes of different magnitudes and types and seeing how this affects buildings.
  • Educational goals: Study and learn in-depth about earthquakes.
  • Assessment: Grade students' answers to questions in the main activity section, as well as how accurately they present their data.
  • I really liked that this lesson included a program for simulating the earthquakes. I think it makes it that much more real and stimulating.
  • I did not like that the focus was mixed between the building structure and the earthquakes; it seemed like too much information to take in at once.
  • I would like to know how the program works more in-depth so if there are any technical problems they can be addressed.
The Ultimate Guide: Human Body
  • http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/ultimate_humanbody/
  • Subject area: Science/anatomy
  • Grade level: 9-12
  • Students will see segments of the video The Ultimate Guide: Human Body and discuss them. Then they will use online resources to go into more detail on what the purposes of the specific systems of the body are.
  • Educational goals: Learn about the human body and how its segments relate to each other, while also using and developing research skills.
  • Assessment: Based on how much the student participated in class discussion, as well as the writing he/she did on the in-class research.
  • I really liked that this lesson plan used video, the computer and discussion.
  • I did not like that it was so broad, as there are so many systems in the body it would be better to split this up.
  • I would like to know if there are more materials made by The Ultimate Guide, such as a workbook, to go with the video.
Castle Builder
  • http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/activity/castle_builder/
  • Subject area: History/Art
  • Grade level: 7
  • Students will research the Welsh daily life in this time period, including aspects of castle construction from this time period. Use a variety of online resources for information on castle aspects. Students will then make a blueprint of their castle, and a model. To make this more technologically enhanced, the model could be made on a computer program.
  • Educational goals: Develop research skills, learn about Welsh life in the time period specified.
  • Assessment: Make sure the student has done their research, included all of the castle specifications, and creativity.
  • I liked that this used students' creativity and research skills all in one.
  • I did not like that it didn't seem realistic in that the normal Welsh people probably would not have lived in a castle.
  • Could this project be done with other cultures as well? I.e. Chinese homes/castles?

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